Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Here's a 'fancy' little dish that will make anyone think you are a five star chef!  It's called the Tomato Stack.  I eat this for dinner because it's very filling!  It doesn't look like a lot but trust me, it's hearty!  Oh, and super healthy, of course!

Now in this recipe I used my pesto from 'RAW SPAGHETTI AL PESTO' recipe.  I will refresh your memory on how to make it at the bottom of the blog.  If you want step by step pics, please see the Spaghetti recipe.

Equipment: Food processor/blender

 2 'beefsteak' tomatoes

*For the pate`*
1/2 cup sunflower seeds, soaked for 2 hours, drained
1/4 cup almonds, soaked 8 hours, drained
2 TBSP freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/4 tsp sea salt
1 1/2 TBSP celery, minced (chopped up real good)
1 TBSP onion, minced 
1 TBSP fresh parsley, minced
PESTO recipe

1. Put your sunflower seeds, almonds, water, lemon juice, and salt in your food processor/blender.  Keep stopping to scrape down the sides.  (Patience is a virtue....)

2. Do this until you get a paste like substance.  You want it to be able to stick together...

3. Transfer mixture to a bowl and add your celery, onion, and parsley until combined.

4. Now slice your tomatoes.  You want 4 slices.. I sliced mine this thick...

5. Now stack 2 slices on your plate.  Add a layer of pate` on it... don't be shy ;)


6. Add another slice of tomato.  Put a layer of pesto... (The pesto and tomato is just DELICIOUS!)

 7. Top with another sliceAdd some garnish!  Make it pretty!  :)

8. Serve with a fork and knife!  Oh my goodness... this is so good!  

*Notes  *Left over pate` will keep in the fridge for 5 days.
*I used bean sprouts on top.  They are inexpensive, cool looking, and nutritional..
*If you want to use this recipe for dinner, just soak the almonds in the a.m. (8-12 hrs) then soak the sunflower seeds the last 2 hours the almonds are soaking so they are done at the same time.

*Quick re-cap on PESTO!*
2 cups firmly packed fresh basil leaves (again, don't be shy.. pack it in)
1/4 cup olive oil
1 fresh garlic clove, crushed
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/4 cup pine nuts, walnuts, or pecans

~Put basil, oil, garlic, & salt in food processor/blender.
~ONLY process until chopped (don't overprocess!)
~Add the nuts and process until smooth... stopping to scrape down the sides.  Again, don't overprocess.  You still want to see flex of nuts throughout the pesto!
 ~That's it!  Store any leftover in the fridge up to 5 days!
*For step by step pics, go to my 'RAW SPAGHETTI AL PESTO' blog!*

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