Wednesday, January 2, 2013


This recipe is my favorite!  It is also one of Gabe's favorites, too, so guys will probably like this!  Raw Stuffed Red Pepper is super easy.  It takes like 10 mins!  Raw red peppers are extremely healthy and nice and crunchy and juicy... hahaha!  Oh, and get this... One Raw Stuffed Red Pepper is about 165 calories!  NICE!  Have I told you I love this dinner, yet?  :)

Ok.. Here is what you need.  Your own Guacamole recipe, or you can borrow mine to get you started.

3 medium avocados, scooped out into medium bowl
1/4 cup onion, diced
1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped 
1/4 cup tomatoes, diced
1/2 lime, squeezed
salt & garlic powder to taste (and whatever spices you want to add)

2 red peppers (the pic shows extra for leftovers)

1. Carve tops off peppers and SAVE them for later use.  Carve the top like you are carving the top of a pumpkin!

3. Slice the membranes of the pepper with a small knife and discard.  Also cut the membrane and seeds off the tops.  Rinse out peppers to remove any excess seeds.  You can wipe pepper with paper towel to dry.

4.  Mash avocado in bowl with a fork or potato masher.  Add your cilantro, onion, tomatoes, seasonings, and squeeze some fresh lime juice.  STIR!

5.  Spoon in avocado mix into your red pepper.

6. Now put your cute little pepper top on :)


7.  Slice & Enjoy!

*Note:  If you are making 2 peppers, use 3 avocados.  Always use one more avocado than pepper.  That way you ensure proper fill-age!  ;)
*One more thing.  Always choose ripe avocados.  The skin should be dark and when you feel the avocado, it should be soft.  Not too soft, though.  If you are unsure how to open an avocado, you tube it.  Its only like a 2 min video. 

Hope you enjoyed this meal!

1 comment:

  1. I have once again drooled all over the key board ...this will be one of my first meals...starting this weekend!!! Wooohooo and yummmmmmy...thanks ya!
