Tuesday, January 22, 2013


These delicious cookies are a no-bake recipe, only using whole, raw ingredients.  They are sweet without adding any sugar!  By the way, these cookies take 10 minutes, tops!

What you need: Blender/Food processor


1/2 cup raw almonds (no roasted or salted)
1/4 cup pecans
5 dates, pitted
1/4 cup raisins or dried cherries
1/4 tsp almond extract (in the baking isle, next to the vanilla)
dash of salt (sea salt is best)
1/4 cup almond flour (it's just almonds in the blender, I'll show you....)

1. First, lets make your almond flour.  Place 1/4 cup of almonds in the blender/processor.  Blend until you reach a flour consistency.  It should take about 6 seconds!

Now you have your almond flour!  Now here's your ingredients....

 2. Now put your 1/2 cup of almonds and 1/4 cup of pecans in the blender and process until COARSELY chopped.

3. Add the dates and almond extract until mixture starts to stick together.. Don't Overprocess! You should still see chunks of almonds and dates!

4. Now add your raisins and just pulse it until they are mixed.  Dump in a bowl.

5. Now scoop out a little ball and firmly squeeze in your hand, until it sticks together....

6. Now gently flatten it a bit until it looks like a cookie!

7. Place it in your almond flour and coat.  Keep doing this until you made all your cookies!

8. You can garnish it with an almond or not.. but place this plate in the fridge for at LEAST one hour!  Then enjoy!

*Placing them in the fridge allows the cookies to bind together since we didn't use any heat, eggs, sugar, milk.... this is all NATURAL!   All RAW! 

*This recipe made 9 good sized cookies.. the pic only shows 8.  I ate one ;)   You will be surprised at how naturally sweet they are!  Serve it with some Almond Milk!  


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