Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Here's another super delicious, easy, quick, inexpensive recipe.  Starting to see a pattern?  Feel free to add your own little ingredients.  These recipes are just examples!  Here is what you need....

1 Package of Spring Rolls (found in asian isle)
 & a group of sliced raw veggies.

In my picture I used: 
1 avocado, sliced
1/2 cup onion, sliced
2 stalks of celery, angle sliced (for an asian effect)
1/2 cup shredded carrot (or sliced in thin sticks)
4 asparagus

*You can add cucumber, zucchini/squash, tomato, sugar snap or snow peas (i was out), red bell pepper cut into strips, etc....

*Add your favorite asian dipping sauce

1. Ok, slice up the raw veggies of your choice!

*Hint:  here's how you slice the avocado.  Keep the skin on, slice it, then gently scoop it out with a spoon...

2.  Follow the directions on the Spring Roll pkg.  I put hot tap water in a baking sheet (with sides), and carefully lay ONE spring roll circle in the hot water, running my hand over it to fully submerge it.  Your water doesn't have to be very hot.  You should still be able to touch the water.

(by the way, my baking pan is clean, I've just used it a lot.  Use whatever dish works for you!)

3. Only leave it in for about 20 seconds.  Gently lift it out of the water with both hands, and lay on a paper towel. 

4. Now is the perfect time to unfold the edges of they are rolled/stuck to eachother.  Lay another paper towel over the wrap, and gently tap it with your hands.

5. Now peel the top paper towel off gently, and your spring roll should now be sticky.  Peel it up and set it on a plate.  Try to unstick the sides if they are stuck.  I promise by your 3rd roll, you will be a pro!  Don't get discouraged!  ;)

 (my first one is definitely not perfect....)

6. Put your raw veggies inside, roll it up!  Roll your ends up too, so your veggies don't fall out.  Serve with your favorite asian dipping sauce! 

*Keep repeating steps 1-6 until you have the desired amount of spring rolls.  I dump the water from my baking pan and add new hot water every spring roll I make.  But this recipe from start to finish is about 15 mins!


*Note:  This meal is very low in calories/protein.  Be sure to add the avocado in to get your calories up.  You NEED calories.  If you are not vegetarian, this is a perfect meal to add some grilled/baked chicken or fish on the side.  I wouldn't roll it up in the spring roll, as they are delicate.  If you want to roll it up with your raw veggies, use my Raw Cabbage Wrap recipe instead.  It's the recipe right before this one.  The 'wrap' is stronger. 


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