Saturday, January 5, 2013


Ok, so here's another super easy recipe.  In our house, we call it 'yogurt ice cream' because that's what it reminds us of (and our 2 yr old will eat it).  The consistency is like yogurt, but the texture is like ice cream.  You can call it what you like.  We also call it 'LIVE' because we are going to soak the almonds.  Almonds or any nut/seed are dormant until you soak them.  It's like you are waking them up!  Live enzymes, beneficial for your whole body....

So here is what you need:  Blender


2 cups almonds, soaked for at least 6 hours, then drain 
2 cups frozen raspberries
6-8 dried apricots, soaked for 1 hour, then drain

1. Soak the almonds for at least 6 hours in just water.  Make sure the nuts are covered in plenty of water.  Some will float, that's totally normal.  I do this before bed, so by morning they are finished.

 2.  Soak your dried apricots in water for an hour.  I do this the last hour the almonds are soaking so they are ready at the same time. 

3. Now drain all the water out of both.  Now your nuts/fruit are 'LIVE'!  :)

4. Put your almonds, frozen raspberries and apricots into the blender.

5. Add one cup of water slowly as you are blending.  That way you can adjust your preferred consistency.  I actually tend to add a tiny bit more... But blend for a good 3 mins.

 6. It should be pretty thick so scoop it into a glass or bowl and eat with a spoon.  I added a few raspberries for a garnish.  Don't expect it to be creamy like yogurt.  You have crushed up almonds in there so you will have some crunchy texture. 

7.  ENJOY!  And be proud.  You actually just made your first "live" yogurt with homemade almond milk!  (you probably didn't even know you did that.....)

Here's a brief explanation of why soaking nuts/seeds is beneficial:

By soaking nuts and seeds, you release these toxic enzyme inhibitors AND increase the life and vitality contained within them!

The Benefits of Soaking Nuts and Seeds
  • Enzyme inhibitors get neutralized.
  • The amount of vitamins your body can absorb increases.
  • Gluten breaks down so digestion is much easier.
  • Phytic acid, which inhibits the absorption of vital minerals, is reduced.

So there you have it.  I hope you like it!  (my kids like it, too!)

**Hint:  2 cups = 16oz.  (for your almonds & raspberries)
You can find dried apricots next to the raisins.  This recipe makes like 3 servings.  I suppose you can always 1/2 the recipe if it's just you.  Or make it the way it is, and put leftovers in the fridge.

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