Thursday, January 10, 2013


Here's just a quick tip to make your Leafy Greens last!  This is a GREAT tip for all you devoted Green Smoothie drinkers, and those of you who are crunched for time in the mornings.  Plus, we don't want to waste precious food now, do we?  Or money for that matter....

1. Remove any rubber bands or ties from the stems.  Place your Green Leaves in your clean kitchen sink and rinse thoroughly

2. Take your time and rinse each leaf and place it in a strainer or the other side of your sink as you continue washing...

3. Place a paper towel on the bottom of a big, clear plastic container.  This will help absorb any moisture.  I purchased this one at Walmart for about $2.50.

4. Gently dry your leaves with a towel and place them in your container.  Continue washing the rest of your leaves if you have any.

 **Do NOT remove the vein/stems!  It is still supplying nutrients to the leaves!  Remove right before eating!**

Wash your kale the same way, and make sure you wash all the curly parts too!
 (By the way, this jumbo pile of kale cost me like 97 cents.)

5.  Shake the excess water off and dry them. Place in a paper towel lined bin, as well.

BAM!  All cleaned and ready to be eaten!  This will make smoothie making/juicing a little faster.  Yes, we can make a nutritious and delicious meal in less than 5 minutes!

*Note: You don't have to have 2 bins.  If you buy just one type of Leafy Greens at a time, then just get one bin.  Remember, they take up room in your fridge, so only get enough greens that you can store!  Now if you don't think you have enough room for one ( my Mom) then perhaps you need to clean your fridge out, hmmm? ;)

*Also, if you don't have the bins just yet, just be sure to immediately wash your Greens and take any rubber bands/ties off!  Place them back in the produce bags after you dry them.  Line your veggie drawer in your fridge with paper towels to absorb any moisture!

I've had Greens last up to 2 weeks in these containers.  I mean, I don't know the rules, but we ate them and we were just fine!  They only seem to last like 4 days in the produce bags.  So use them quickly or properly store them!


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