Saturday, March 9, 2013


I decided to make my own milk for one very good reason.  I found the carcinogen, Carrageenan in almond milk.  Although you think you are drinking pure almond milk, 'all natural', well you're not.  It's processed.  The only way to put All Natural Almond Milk in your body, and your children's body, is to make it!  Don't worry.  It's pretty easy!

Now the ratio is 1 cup Almonds to 5 cups water.  I used brazil nuts in this picture.  Brazil nuts have a stronger flavor.  I recommend doing Almonds for your first time!  You can switch it up and do Cashews too!

Ok, so you'll need a blender and a FINE mesh strainer.  I was so excited to make my milk, I wasn't quite prepared so I improvised and used a fine coffee strainer from the coffee machine.  Don't make fun!  ;)

1. Soak your nuts for 8 hours.  This will release the enzyme inhibitors in your nuts.  I just put mine in a jar with lots of water, and placed it in the fridge over night.

(Some of mine floated.  I found them to be just fine!)
2. After letting them soak, drain and rinse.

3. Place nuts in your blender, along with 5 cups of water....

4. Now blend for 30 seconds or so.

5. Strain!  I strained it over a big bowl.  Use a spoon and gently move the milk around. 

You will end up with pieces of nuts.  Discard (or eat it I suppose) and rinse your strainer.  Repeat steps until all your milk is strained!

Serve & ENJOY!!!!
*You will love it and appreciate the fact that you just made your own milk!  Put it in a sealed container/jar in the fridge for 4 to 5 days.

*If you want your milk a little thicker and more almond-y, try 3 or 4 cups of water to 1 cup almonds.  You can always taste it and adjust.
*If you are doing cashews, no need to strain!  They will just blend up!  Do a 3:1 ratio.  3 cups water to 1 cup cashews, then adjust if necessary!

*If you want to sweeten it, throw in a couple of dates (pits removed) and maybe some Pure Vanilla extract, about 1/2 tsp, blend it, taste it, and adjust!  To make strawberry milk, take a glass of milk, put it in your blender, add 2 strawberries, blend!
*I didn't add any sweetener to mine.  I just wanted pure almond milk for once!  Nothing processed, nothing added... It just felt so good drinking it!  My husband loved it and I gave it to my 2 year old and 11 month old.  They drank it no problem!  

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