Saturday, June 29, 2013


Ok!  I have a bunch of healthy raw meal recipes on my blog, so it's time for a delicious dessert!  Raw chocolate brownies.... need I say more?!

You will need...

1 cup almond meal (just blend almonds-i'll show you)
1 cup raw cacao*
3 TBSP agave nectar or maple syrup
2  TBSP water

*Raw cacao is extremely beneficial but can be hard to find.  You can get them at Whole Foods or order them through Amazon.  BUT, I want everyone to be able to make this even if you can't order it.  SO, go to the baking isle in your grocery store and find UNsweetened cocoa powder.  This recipe won't be 100% raw, but it will still be way healthier than the 'normal' brownies.  

Ok, take your 1 cup of almonds and put them in the blender or food processor and grind them up!  It will be loud but it should only take about 10 seconds or so...

And there you have almond meal!  Now if you have raw cacao beans, do the same until a fine powder.  It kind of looks like coffee....

If yours already comes in the powder, then obviously skip that step!  Now stir together the chocolate & almond meal in a bowl...

Now add your agave nectar OR maple syrup and water.... MIX!

Add mixture to a square dish and press down.....

Place in fridge for about an hour and let set.  I know, I didn't want to wait either... 

Now slice them in squares....

Scoop them out and serve!!

Who said dessert can't be healthy??

Notes:  The reason for getting unsweetened cocoa is so you can add your own level of sweetness without refined sugars.  Taste it before pressing the brownies down in the pan.  

You can also roll the 'dough' into balls and make brownie balls!  :)

P.s... These brownies taste great paired with some homemade banana or strawberry ice cream!

Thursday, April 25, 2013


This dish was so tasty and it looks so much like a stir fry dish, except 100% raw!  This is one way to satisfy your Asian food craving!  I use parsnips in this recipe as the 'rice'.   I have seen them in every grocery store I've been to so you should have no trouble finding them.  They either come individually or in a bag already packaged.  They are full of Vitamin C and have tons of fiber and high in folic acid.  They have other minerals and vitamins in them, too, so eat up!


2 cups parsnips, chopped
2 carrots, chopped
1/2 cup pine nuts OR walnuts
1 cup broccoli, cut
1/2 cup mushrooms, sliced

Ok, now cut all your veggies up... you can chop the parsnips up into little cubes OR cut them up into small chunks and place them in your food processor to make 'rice'....

 (by hand)

(food processor)
I prefer the food processor 'rice' because of the texture and it's MUCH faster!
Now chop up the carrots...


Slice the mushrooms and add the nuts and broccoli into the bowl of carrots and parsnips.  Now you have a big bowl of awesomeness....
Now for the super easy dressing...
1/4 cup olive oil
1/3 cup sun-dried tomatoes
1 tsp chili powder
1 1/2 tsp curry powder
1 TBSP tamari (raw soy sauce found NEXT to reg soy sauce)
1 TBSP agave nectar

Place all ingredients in food processor and COMBINE!

 Pour over all your veggies...

Toss it up!  Eat!
Rawsome!  :)
*Notes:  Tamari is also called Nama Shoyu.  It's about the same price as regular soy sauce.  If for some reason your store doesn't have it, opt for LOW sodium soy sauce.

*I used sun-dried tomatoes packed in oil in the jar.  If you use sun-dried tomatoes that are dry, soak them in water for about 20 mins to soften them up.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


This yogurt is extremely delicious.  Once you make this and find out how easy and yummy it tastes, I doubt you'll ever buy packaged yogurt again!  


1 1/2 cups fresh, ripe strawberries
1/2 cup cashews, soaked for 7 hours
1 TBSP maple syrup or raw agave nectar
1 tsp fresh lemon juice (about 1/2 lemon)
Fresh strawberries for serving *optional

Drain your cashews and put them in the blender.  Add the rest of your ingredients.

Blend until creamy, about 30 seconds. 

There you have it!  Homemade yogurt!  I garnished it with coconut flakes.   ENJOY!!

*Notes:  If you are using frozen strawberries, thaw them out by running them under cold water for a few minutes.  This will make it easier for your blender.  You will have to use your tamper to push them down into the blade.  Your blender might sound a little wild, but it should still only take about 30 seconds.  Easiest to use nice, fresh strawberries.  :)

*Also, I have doubled this recipe to make a double batch.  It will last for 3 days in your fridge in a sealed container. 

Friday, March 29, 2013


I can't believe that I eat kale everyday and have yet to post a recipe!  I need to get it together!  So this is a simple kale salad.   This was basic, delicious, & easy, so use it like it is or make it your own by putting your own spin on it!

Ingredients:  (2 people,  1/2 the ingredients for just you!)

8 kale leaves (I removed the thick bottom part of stem, but left the rest)
1 TBSP of fresh lemon juice (about 1 lemon)
2 tsp olive oil
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/2 red bell pepper, diced
2 TBSP pine nuts OR chopped cashews
1/4 - 1/2 cup sliced black olives OR kalamata olives (or both)
dash pepper

First, stack 2 kale leaves on top of each, top part facing you, and fold in half lengthwise and roll tightly.  Slice into thin strips, like this...

Repeat until all sliced.  Chop them up a few times so they aren't too long.  Place in a bowl.

Add the lemon juice, oil, and sea salt to the kale.  Massage with your hands, working the dressing into the greens.

Add the rest of your ingredients & serve!


*Notes:  Be sure your kale is dry after washing it or else the oil won't stick to it.  You can dry it with a clean hand towel or paper towels.

*If you have a grocery store that has a fresh olive bar, use that!  If not, try to buy your olives from a glass jar.  I used black olives, but I personally favor kalamata olives.  They are the purple ones and have more of a salty flavor and come in a glass jar.  But choose your favorite!

*If you make a batch of this, it will keep in the fridge for 3 days.  Bring to room temperature before serving.

*Again, feel free to add other veggies to this if you'd like.  This was a very simple salad.  I enjoyed tasting the kale and it just felt so fresh eating it!  :)

Saturday, March 23, 2013


This meal is one of my favorites I eat for lunch.  It's very filling and you can't help but feel healthy after eating it.  My ingredients switch up all the time so you can really make this your own and a little different each time.  Here's what you'll need....


Collard leaves (1 per person)
Your favorite mustard
Sliced avocado
Your favorite veggies, cut up
(tomato, sliced carrots, cucumber, asparagus, mushrooms, red pepper, onion....etc)
 Dash of sea salt & garlic powder, to taste

Here's a pic of what I used one time.  I pretty much grab random veggies out of the fridge.

Now I squeeze a line of mustard down the center and stuff my veggies in, using the bottom side of the collard.

I added my dash of sea salt & garlic powder.  (I use a lot of garlic powder).  Now roll that 'burrito' up nice and tight....

There you have it!  Looks fancy, huh?  Now to get that 'bow' to help hold your wrap together, simply cut along the edge of a collard green leaf so you have a thick strip.  

Now simply twist it so it's nice and strong, like you're twisting your hair, and wrap it around your wrap.  Wrap your wrap!  :)


*P.s... the avocado acts like the 'mayonnaise'... it holds the veggies together.  You may also use hummus!  Switch it up!


Wednesday, March 13, 2013


This salad is delicious.  The ingredients are going to throw you off a little because you might not think they go together.... but they do!  When all mixed up, this dish was so good!  My husband declared THIS his favorite dish.  :)


2 mangoes, diced
2 avocados, diced
1/2 cup red onion, chopped
2 TBSP olive oil
1 TBSP balsamic vinegar
1 TBSP fresh lime juice
sea salt & pepper

1.  TOSS ingredients gently or gently mix with you hand.  Ummm... serve and eat it!  That's it.  I tried to make this more difficult but I couldn't.  


*Notes:  Make sure your mangoes and avocados are ripe!  Soft to the touch- but not rotten soft.... 

*If you are unsure how to dice a mango or avocado, read my "How do you cut that?" blog for pics and easy directions!

Saturday, March 9, 2013


I decided to make my own milk for one very good reason.  I found the carcinogen, Carrageenan in almond milk.  Although you think you are drinking pure almond milk, 'all natural', well you're not.  It's processed.  The only way to put All Natural Almond Milk in your body, and your children's body, is to make it!  Don't worry.  It's pretty easy!

Now the ratio is 1 cup Almonds to 5 cups water.  I used brazil nuts in this picture.  Brazil nuts have a stronger flavor.  I recommend doing Almonds for your first time!  You can switch it up and do Cashews too!

Ok, so you'll need a blender and a FINE mesh strainer.  I was so excited to make my milk, I wasn't quite prepared so I improvised and used a fine coffee strainer from the coffee machine.  Don't make fun!  ;)

1. Soak your nuts for 8 hours.  This will release the enzyme inhibitors in your nuts.  I just put mine in a jar with lots of water, and placed it in the fridge over night.

(Some of mine floated.  I found them to be just fine!)
2. After letting them soak, drain and rinse.

3. Place nuts in your blender, along with 5 cups of water....

4. Now blend for 30 seconds or so.

5. Strain!  I strained it over a big bowl.  Use a spoon and gently move the milk around. 

You will end up with pieces of nuts.  Discard (or eat it I suppose) and rinse your strainer.  Repeat steps until all your milk is strained!

Serve & ENJOY!!!!
*You will love it and appreciate the fact that you just made your own milk!  Put it in a sealed container/jar in the fridge for 4 to 5 days.

*If you want your milk a little thicker and more almond-y, try 3 or 4 cups of water to 1 cup almonds.  You can always taste it and adjust.
*If you are doing cashews, no need to strain!  They will just blend up!  Do a 3:1 ratio.  3 cups water to 1 cup cashews, then adjust if necessary!

*If you want to sweeten it, throw in a couple of dates (pits removed) and maybe some Pure Vanilla extract, about 1/2 tsp, blend it, taste it, and adjust!  To make strawberry milk, take a glass of milk, put it in your blender, add 2 strawberries, blend!
*I didn't add any sweetener to mine.  I just wanted pure almond milk for once!  Nothing processed, nothing added... It just felt so good drinking it!  My husband loved it and I gave it to my 2 year old and 11 month old.  They drank it no problem!  

Saturday, March 2, 2013


If you love mangoes, you'll love this recipe!  It is so creamy and delicious.  I only needed 2 ingredients to make it!  Here's what you need...

1 1/2 cups chopped mango (1 large mango)
1/2 cup dried mango, soaked for 20 mins, drain
*favorite fruit for garnish!

Here's the ingredients:

Now put your dried mangoes (drained) and your fresh mango in a blender.  Blend for about 30 secs or until creamy.  So that's it!


*Notes:  Make sure your mango is ripe!  It will be a little soft to the touch.

*If you are unsure how to cut a mango, please visit my "How do you cut that?!" blog for step by step instructions and pictures!

*You can use thawed frozen mango as well.

*Also, I have trouble finding dried mango without sugar.  I noticed after soaking them for 20 mins, I rinsed them under cool water before putting them in my blender, the sugar was washed away!  You will be surprised at how naturally sweet this Mango Pudding is!  

*This recipe made 2 small servings.  You can put it in a sealed container in your fridge for up to 3 days.  Why you would have any leftovers is beyond me!  :)


Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Here's a beautiful meal or snack.  We are going to make a fruit bowl out of a carved honeydew.  You can also use cantelope.  This is how I did it and the fruit I used.  Please use ANY of your favorite fruits.  There is no wrong way!  

1 honeydew or cantelope
 Any of your favorite diced up fruits

First, cut the tips of your melon so it sits on your plate without falling over...

*this was a wonderful tip from a good friend of mine*
Next, cut your melon crosswise, like this...


Now scoop out the seeds and discard.  Take a small knife and score around the edges, not pushing too deep...

Scoop out the fruit with a spoon, maybe make some melon balls...

 When finished, you will have 2 honeydew bowls!

Now fill it with your favorite fruits!

 That's it!  ENJOY!

*Notes:  To tell if your melon is ripe, smell the bottom.  If it smells like the fruit, it's ripe.  If no smell, leave it on your counter until ready!

*Variation:  My husband topped it with almond yogurt.  I would have done the same but we only had one left :/    You can also toss some chopped nuts on top, too!

Friday, February 22, 2013


Oh yes!  It's possible!  We are stepping it up!  Now if you've been following my blog, you know by now in order to create some of these dishes, we have to 'mock' them with fresh veggies, nuts, fruits... etc, so the ingredients should be no surprise to you!  Also, it takes longer to boil a pot of water than it does to make this recipe, or ANY recipe for that matter!  I mean, I can not believe how easy it is to EAT HEALTHY!!!!  

Ok, no fancy equipment needed... just a peeler and a food processor/blender

Ingredients: For fettucini

1 zucchini (per person)
1 carrot (per person)

For alfredo sauce:
1 cup cashews, soaked & drained (soak for 7 hours but AT LEAST 30 mins)
3/4 cup water (NOT the soak water)
1 TBSP fresh lemon juice 
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp thyme
2 garlic cloves
sea salt & pepper to taste (about 1/4 tsp perhaps)
2 TBSP nutritional yeast *optional (If you have some, great, if not, no biggie!)

Now, let's get started on making your fettucini noodles!  If you have organic zucchini, eat the peel.  If  not, either wash it really good or discard the peel.  Take your peeler and peel your zucchini lengthwise, like this...

Do the same with your carrots!  Soon you will have a beautiful, colorful pile of noodles!

Now take all of your Alfredo ingredients and put them in your food processor/blender.  If necessary, stop the machine and scrape down the edges.  I didn't have to do that, though.  Blend until creamy!

It's AMAZING cashews can do that!!!

Now, take your noodles and put them on your plate.  Drizzle your Alfredo sauce over top.  That's it!

Garnish it, make it pretty, whatever!  ENJOY!!!

*Notes:  Be sure to get raw cashews.  They are usually in the clear plastic containers where your store keeps its dry nuts- usually in the produce section.  You may find raw but salted.  If that's your only option, it's ok.  By soaking your cashews, it will remove most of the salt anyway!

*Now it's important to soak your cashews.  If you are making this for dinner, just remember to soak them in the morning.  Please google the benefits of soaking your nuts!  Live enzymes are very beneficial!

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Here's a yummy and fresh tasting salsa that is super quick and easy to make.  Something about Mango and Avocado paired together is just delicious!  No special equipment needed!  Now if you don't like mango, or to change it up, use fresh pineapple!  Here's what you need....


1 mango, peeled, diced
2 roma tomatoes, diced
2 large avocado, or 4 small, diced (If it's just you, do 1 large/2 small)
1/2 cucumber, diced
2 TBSP red onion, minced
1 TBSP fresh cilantro, minced
1/2 lime/lemon, squeezed
Dash of cayenne OR 1/4 tsp jalapeno, diced *optional
Dash of sea salt

1. Cut up all your ingredients!  Here's a quick pic of how to dice an avocado...

 Slice it lengthwise first.

 Slice it crosswise - Careful not to cut through the skin.

 Now scoop it out with a spoon!

Make sure you keep your avocado 'shells'... we will be using those!

Here's a pic to help you dice your mango.  

Now take a knife and carefully cut the cubes off the skin.

Now you are going to place everything in a large bowl.  Squeeze in your lime...

Now toss to combine!  You don't want to stir it because you'll smush your avocado.

Scoop out portions into your avocado 'shells'!  Make it awesome with a cilantro garnish...


*Notes:  If you want step by step pictures and instructions on how to cut an avocado, mango, or pineapple, look at my 'How Do You Cut That?!' blog.  I hope it helps!

*If you are using pineapple instead, replace your Mango with a cup of fresh Pineapple.

*Also, to experience the full deliciousness of this dish, make sure your avocados and mangoes are ripe!  They will be soft (not too soft) to the touch.  Your pineapple is ripe when you can easily pull a center leaf off the fruit.  Remember to flip the pineapple upside down for 45 mins to let the sugars run back through the fruit!  (Those helpful hints are also in my 'How Do I Cut That?!' blog!!!)