Monday, January 7, 2013


For this recipe, there is no specific recipe.  I'll give instructions on how to make the cabbage leaves 'wrap-able', but the raw veggies you chose to put inside, is completely up to you!  There is no wrong way to do this.  Nobody is judging anybody on this one!  

What you will need:  Large pot of boiling water, 1/2 way full

* 1 Head of green cabbage.  

* Ingredients:  A bunch of raw veggies of your choice.  I tend to grab whatever I have in my fridge... Last night, this is what I had..

Asparagus, yellow squash, celery, parsley, beet, red pepper.

*Feel free to use cucumber, tomato, avocado (I was out), cilantro, carrots, beans... etc!
~(Don't forget to read my important notes at the bottom of this blog)~

*Also, if you are slowly converting to the Raw Food diet and you still have some chicken breast, or just simply want to incorporate some grilled/baked chicken or fish, this is the perfect recipe!  I didn't use meat.  But if you are not vegetarian, but cutting back on meat, use it sparingly and fill the majority of this wrap with as many raw veggies as you can!!  

*Use your favorite dip.

1.  Get your boiling water going.  Cut the tip off your cabbage about an inch to an inch 1/2 above the core.  Like so...

 2. CAREFULLY, place your entire head of cabbage in the pot of boiling water.  I use my hand to place it in the water since I have more control over it.  Be careful not to splash (and no babies are around!)

 3. Move the cabbage gently around with some tongs so the hot water gets all over the cabbage.

*Notice I didn't put more than 1/2 way with water.  That way, when you put your cabbage head in, the hot water will  not overflow!*

4. Now about 1 MINUTE, start to gently peel one leaf off at a time.  Remember, don't cook it too long, as we don't want to lose the nutrients!  It should come off easily and whole.  Like this...

 5. Place cabbage wraps in a strainer or on a plate with some paper towels.

6. While they are cooling and drying, go ahead and chop up all your veggies!

 7. Now stuff your cabbage wraps!  Add some seasoning if you'd like.  I chopped up parsley, so I didn't use anything else.

8.  Now roll it up and serve with your favorite dipping sauce!!  YUMMMMMY!  


*Note:  This recipe is VERY low in calories/protein.  You will get some calories from your dip, but use some avocado or beans to get the calories/protein a little higher.  Serve with some almonds, too.  If you are using grilled chicken/fish, you will get calories and protein from that.

*You WANT good calories.  Avocados have great calories.  They are 'nutrient dense' and your body needs those kinds of calories.  Just like in nuts and beans, which are a great source of calories and protein.  EMPTY calories are your enemy.  NOT nutrient dense calories.  Please feel free to do your research!* 


  1. Replies
    1. Great! Let me know how it goes and what ingredients you used! Have fun!

  2. what about putting a tbsp of hummus in there with the veggies? yum yum!!
