Friday, February 1, 2013


So this is a dream come true for all you mushroom lovers!  (Mom, you're going to love this!)  This might be my favorite dish, but I don't know.  I'm pretty much in love with all these recipes... I'm going to post what would normally be my last picture, first, just so you can see how AWESOME this looks!  

Ok, let's get started!  

Equipment:  Food processor/blender

~Portobello mushroom caps (They range from large, to medium, or you can stuff mini portobellos, whichever you prefer.  Above, I chose the large.)
~Tamari (It's a raw soy sauce next to the reg soy sauce. If you can't find it, get a low sodium soy sauce.)

*For the Filling*
1 cup soaked sunflower seeds (6-8 hrs, then drain)
1/3 cup oil-packed sun dried tomatoes
2 tbsp water
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice (about 1/2 lemon)
1 clove garlic, crushed
dash of sea salt
dash of cayenne OR black pepper
1 tbsp red or green onion, minced
2 tsp fresh dill, basil, OR parsley, minced

1. We are going to clean and de-stem the portobellos so we can make bowls... First, wash your mushrooms.  Now, don't run under water as this will make them soggy.  Always grab a wet paper towel, rung out, and gently wipe them off.  This gets them cleaner, also.

2. Pull the stem out and scrape out the gills of the mushroom, gently, with a spoon...

*Be careful around the edges as you don't want to ruin your bowl!  The gills are edible so don't worry too much.  We are just making room for the filling...

3.  Now, take your soy sauce and sprinkle it on top and under your mushroom, turning it around to evenly coat the whole thing.  Set it on a plate and let it marinate while you make the filling.

4. For the filling, place your drained sunflower seeds, sun dried tomatoes, water, lemon juice, garlic, dash of salt & cayenne pepper.

5. Process until its a past-like texture, stopping occasionally to scrape down the sides.

6. When you get a texture that will stick together, that should do it!


 7. Transfer to a bowl and mix in your onion and parsley (or dill, or basil).

8. Now take a dry paper towel and gently blot the excess soy sauce off your mushroom, both top and bottom.

9. Stuff your mushroom with your filling!  And there you have it!  Portobello Mushroom Bowl!

*I have also stuffed the 'bowl' with home made Guacamole!

I forgot to take a picture before I started eating... sorry :/ 
*P.s... If you don't like mushrooms, you can use this filling in a Red Pepper!

*The filling will keep in the fridge for up to 5 days in a sealed container*




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