Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Here's a beautiful meal or snack.  We are going to make a fruit bowl out of a carved honeydew.  You can also use cantelope.  This is how I did it and the fruit I used.  Please use ANY of your favorite fruits.  There is no wrong way!  

1 honeydew or cantelope
 Any of your favorite diced up fruits

First, cut the tips of your melon so it sits on your plate without falling over...

*this was a wonderful tip from a good friend of mine*
Next, cut your melon crosswise, like this...


Now scoop out the seeds and discard.  Take a small knife and score around the edges, not pushing too deep...

Scoop out the fruit with a spoon, maybe make some melon balls...

 When finished, you will have 2 honeydew bowls!

Now fill it with your favorite fruits!

 That's it!  ENJOY!

*Notes:  To tell if your melon is ripe, smell the bottom.  If it smells like the fruit, it's ripe.  If no smell, leave it on your counter until ready!

*Variation:  My husband topped it with almond yogurt.  I would have done the same but we only had one left :/    You can also toss some chopped nuts on top, too!

Friday, February 22, 2013


Oh yes!  It's possible!  We are stepping it up!  Now if you've been following my blog, you know by now in order to create some of these dishes, we have to 'mock' them with fresh veggies, nuts, fruits... etc, so the ingredients should be no surprise to you!  Also, it takes longer to boil a pot of water than it does to make this recipe, or ANY recipe for that matter!  I mean, I can not believe how easy it is to EAT HEALTHY!!!!  

Ok, no fancy equipment needed... just a peeler and a food processor/blender

Ingredients: For fettucini

1 zucchini (per person)
1 carrot (per person)

For alfredo sauce:
1 cup cashews, soaked & drained (soak for 7 hours but AT LEAST 30 mins)
3/4 cup water (NOT the soak water)
1 TBSP fresh lemon juice 
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp thyme
2 garlic cloves
sea salt & pepper to taste (about 1/4 tsp perhaps)
2 TBSP nutritional yeast *optional (If you have some, great, if not, no biggie!)

Now, let's get started on making your fettucini noodles!  If you have organic zucchini, eat the peel.  If  not, either wash it really good or discard the peel.  Take your peeler and peel your zucchini lengthwise, like this...

Do the same with your carrots!  Soon you will have a beautiful, colorful pile of noodles!

Now take all of your Alfredo ingredients and put them in your food processor/blender.  If necessary, stop the machine and scrape down the edges.  I didn't have to do that, though.  Blend until creamy!

It's AMAZING cashews can do that!!!

Now, take your noodles and put them on your plate.  Drizzle your Alfredo sauce over top.  That's it!

Garnish it, make it pretty, whatever!  ENJOY!!!

*Notes:  Be sure to get raw cashews.  They are usually in the clear plastic containers where your store keeps its dry nuts- usually in the produce section.  You may find raw but salted.  If that's your only option, it's ok.  By soaking your cashews, it will remove most of the salt anyway!

*Now it's important to soak your cashews.  If you are making this for dinner, just remember to soak them in the morning.  Please google the benefits of soaking your nuts!  Live enzymes are very beneficial!

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Here's a yummy and fresh tasting salsa that is super quick and easy to make.  Something about Mango and Avocado paired together is just delicious!  No special equipment needed!  Now if you don't like mango, or to change it up, use fresh pineapple!  Here's what you need....


1 mango, peeled, diced
2 roma tomatoes, diced
2 large avocado, or 4 small, diced (If it's just you, do 1 large/2 small)
1/2 cucumber, diced
2 TBSP red onion, minced
1 TBSP fresh cilantro, minced
1/2 lime/lemon, squeezed
Dash of cayenne OR 1/4 tsp jalapeno, diced *optional
Dash of sea salt

1. Cut up all your ingredients!  Here's a quick pic of how to dice an avocado...

 Slice it lengthwise first.

 Slice it crosswise - Careful not to cut through the skin.

 Now scoop it out with a spoon!

Make sure you keep your avocado 'shells'... we will be using those!

Here's a pic to help you dice your mango.  

Now take a knife and carefully cut the cubes off the skin.

Now you are going to place everything in a large bowl.  Squeeze in your lime...

Now toss to combine!  You don't want to stir it because you'll smush your avocado.

Scoop out portions into your avocado 'shells'!  Make it awesome with a cilantro garnish...


*Notes:  If you want step by step pictures and instructions on how to cut an avocado, mango, or pineapple, look at my 'How Do You Cut That?!' blog.  I hope it helps!

*If you are using pineapple instead, replace your Mango with a cup of fresh Pineapple.

*Also, to experience the full deliciousness of this dish, make sure your avocados and mangoes are ripe!  They will be soft (not too soft) to the touch.  Your pineapple is ripe when you can easily pull a center leaf off the fruit.  Remember to flip the pineapple upside down for 45 mins to let the sugars run back through the fruit!  (Those helpful hints are also in my 'How Do I Cut That?!' blog!!!)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


This was a very fun and easy recipe!  The presentation of this dish is something you would find in a five-star restaurant!  I mean, it's just beautiful!! 

Equipment:  Blender


1 medium papaya (makes 2 bowls)
1 mango, diced
1 juicy orange
1 juicy lime
4 large fresh strawberries
4 mint leaves, sliced in thin strips

Ok, so first, cut open your papaya lengthwise, like this...

Now scoop out the seeds with a spoon and discard.  

Now very carefully take a small knife and carve around the edge of the papaya.  BE CAREFUL to not pierce the papaya skin!  If you have a heavy hand, just use a spoon!

*No need to push your knife in deep.  You will be carving it all out with a spoon next step*

Next, scoop all the papaya out with a spoon into your blender... (See I told you)

You will end up with two papaya bowls...

Ok, now dice up your mango! (If you don't know how, check out my 'How Do I Cut That?' blog).  Here's a quick picture...

Place your mango in the blender but save about 8 squares for the top of your dish!!

Now squeeze all the juice out of your lime into the blender...


 Now squeeze all the juice from your orange in there, too!
*If you have a very juicy orange, just use half*

Toss 3 to 4 large strawberries in...

Blend it up until smooth and pour into your papaya bowls!!

Now garnish with your extra mango and mint strips!  BEAUTIFUL!


*Notes:  Just don't omit the mint!  Something about mint and lime together is just delicious!  It's essential!
Also, when you serve this to whoever else you made it for, notice their reaction when you hand him/her the plate.  It's PRICELESS!  :D
~*I would also like to credit my Mom for the 'Superbowl' name*~

Saturday, February 2, 2013


A dip that's tasty AND healthy?!  This dip is so creamy and so delicious, you will wonder where it's been your whole life!  We will be using cashews as the base of this dip.  It's just so unbelievably yummy and after the nuts are soaked, it takes only minutes!  I'll give you a preview of the finished dish, just so you can see how creamy it is! 

(Hard to believe that's cashews, huh?)

Equipment:  Blender/Food processor

1 cup cashews, soaked for 2 hours, drained
1/2 cup water (do NOT use soak water)
2 TBSP freshly squeezed lemon (about 1 lemon)
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp sea salt
2 TBSP chives OR green onion, minced
1 TBSP fresh basil, minced OR 1 tsp dried
1 TBSP fresh dill, minced OR 1tsp dried dill weed

1. First, soak your cashews.  Simply put them in a bowl and pour water over them.  Leave them soaking for 2 hours.

2. Now get all your ingredients ready...

 3. Put the cashews, water, lemon juice, garlic powder, onion powder, and salt in the blender.

4. Blend, stopping occasionally to scrape down the sides.  Blend until a creamy texture, like this...

5. Pour in a serving bowl and stir in your chives, basil, and dill.  (save some extra to sprinkle on the top!)

6. Put in fridge and cover at least 30 min before serving.

7. Serve with your favorite veggie!!  

 I found it goes best with carrots, asparagus, broccoli, cherry tomatoes... but dip any veggie you want!  It's GUILT FREE!  Yay!  :)

*Notes:  This dip will stay in the fridge for 5 days in a sealed container.  (Mine was gone in 5 minutes, though)

*I found it nearly impossible to find UNSALTED raw cashews.  I found the raw cashews in the grocery store where they keep the dry nuts in those clear containers.  You may also find them next to the peanuts.  It doesn't matter if it's pieces or whole.. you are blending it up anyway.  I didn't, however, find UNSALTED.  But I did notice that after soaking the nuts, the salt came off!  So it worked!


Friday, February 1, 2013


So this is a dream come true for all you mushroom lovers!  (Mom, you're going to love this!)  This might be my favorite dish, but I don't know.  I'm pretty much in love with all these recipes... I'm going to post what would normally be my last picture, first, just so you can see how AWESOME this looks!  

Ok, let's get started!  

Equipment:  Food processor/blender

~Portobello mushroom caps (They range from large, to medium, or you can stuff mini portobellos, whichever you prefer.  Above, I chose the large.)
~Tamari (It's a raw soy sauce next to the reg soy sauce. If you can't find it, get a low sodium soy sauce.)

*For the Filling*
1 cup soaked sunflower seeds (6-8 hrs, then drain)
1/3 cup oil-packed sun dried tomatoes
2 tbsp water
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice (about 1/2 lemon)
1 clove garlic, crushed
dash of sea salt
dash of cayenne OR black pepper
1 tbsp red or green onion, minced
2 tsp fresh dill, basil, OR parsley, minced

1. We are going to clean and de-stem the portobellos so we can make bowls... First, wash your mushrooms.  Now, don't run under water as this will make them soggy.  Always grab a wet paper towel, rung out, and gently wipe them off.  This gets them cleaner, also.

2. Pull the stem out and scrape out the gills of the mushroom, gently, with a spoon...

*Be careful around the edges as you don't want to ruin your bowl!  The gills are edible so don't worry too much.  We are just making room for the filling...

3.  Now, take your soy sauce and sprinkle it on top and under your mushroom, turning it around to evenly coat the whole thing.  Set it on a plate and let it marinate while you make the filling.

4. For the filling, place your drained sunflower seeds, sun dried tomatoes, water, lemon juice, garlic, dash of salt & cayenne pepper.

5. Process until its a past-like texture, stopping occasionally to scrape down the sides.

6. When you get a texture that will stick together, that should do it!


 7. Transfer to a bowl and mix in your onion and parsley (or dill, or basil).

8. Now take a dry paper towel and gently blot the excess soy sauce off your mushroom, both top and bottom.

9. Stuff your mushroom with your filling!  And there you have it!  Portobello Mushroom Bowl!

*I have also stuffed the 'bowl' with home made Guacamole!

I forgot to take a picture before I started eating... sorry :/ 
*P.s... If you don't like mushrooms, you can use this filling in a Red Pepper!

*The filling will keep in the fridge for up to 5 days in a sealed container*