Monday, December 31, 2012


Ok!  Here we go!  It's New Year's Eve 2012 so I'm posting a delicious Smoothie Recipe to start your New Year off right!!  Now I decided to start with a Smoothie Recipe for a few reasons.  If you are going to ease into this and substitute ANY meal, substitute it with a Green Smoothie!  It might not sound so delicious, but just you wait.  With the fruit you chose in this smoothie, you will not even taste the handful of greens you'll be putting in, but your body will notice!!  Trust me.  They are delicious, easy, inexpensive, and take less than 5 minutes to make!  How's that for all you hard working Mommas?  (and Daddys... or just anybody for that matter!)

Equipment you will need: Blender


2 bananas, peeled
1 apple, cut (leave skins on!)
1 handful of fresh greens (spinach leaves and/or kale), rinsed
'milk' of your choice (almond or coconut milk)

~Place bananas, apples, greens in blender.  Fill a little less than half way with 'milk'... (adjust the liquid to your preferred consistency. Add less for thicker smoothies.)

~Blend for about 1 minute.

~Drink it!  :)

*Now if you're like me, you don't like to waste food.  If you have Cow's milk you need to use up, go ahead!  Just from now on, buy almond or coconut milk.  They even have an AlmondCoconut milk if you can't decide between the two!  They are much better for you and are very delicious!

*Last but not least, PLEASE add ANY fruit you'd like!  Have fun!  The above recipe is just a basic one.  Add frozen berries, pineapple, mango, strawberries... ADD ANY FRUIT!  The bananas will give it the 'creamy' texture.  Try to use bananas (and any fruit for that matter) that are very ripe.  Not going bad, but are ripened to their full flavor!  Have fun with this recipe!  The possibilities are ENDLESS!!!  :)

P.s... I've noticed when I start the day off with a Green Smoothie, I will eat better throughout my entire day.  I think it's because I started my day off right, and got my mind right!  It may even be a little psychological... but whatever works, right?! 

1 comment:

  1. My first blender recipe..thanks to the brand new blender from you!!!! I'm sooo excited!! Xoxoxoxo
